A Changing Game Demands Changing Methods

Biomechanical Equivalence: Projecting batting statistics using biomechanics data

Biomechanical Equivalence: Projecting batting statistics using biomechanics data

At Motus, we specialize in biomechanical analysis and data science. Over the last decade, we have contracted our gold-standard motion capture lab services to capture swings and mobility exams on thousands of baseball players. While we use this data to help inform training decisions, we have stealthily contracted more prestigious services to professional organizations: player […]

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Tau and Omega: what the biomechanics industry has wrong

Nolan Ryan’s 1974

The Positional Unknown of Elbow Injuries

Soul and Science, Expanded

Raise your analytics game with motusDASH

New season. New app. New arm.

New season. New app. New arm.

We’ve made some amazing advancements to our motusTHROW app. As existing users, we’re providing you with an exclusive at-a-glace overview of the new features to get you up and monitoring “readiness” in time for the new season.   READINESS: BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER Since we first launched motusTHROW in 2014, we’ve collected millions of throws from users, […]

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How Does Monitoring Workload Help Arm Health?

Testing The Twist

Recharging the Pitching Schedule