Concussion motusCONCUSSIONTM Most current on-field methods of assessing motor control are performed visually, and are scored in a subjective manner. Unlike many other current systems, motusCONCUSSION™ is an objective, portable and affordable means of detecting readiness through balance and motor control assessments. The system can fit in a pocket and be deployed on the sidelines, the locker room, or anywhere that an assessment is needed. motusCONCUSSION™ is comprised of a headband and chest strap with removable biomechanics sensors used to conduct on-field clinical exams consisting of four balance exams and six cervical mobility exams. motusCONCUSSION™ collects and analyzes data quickly and indicates whether a player needs further expert assessment or whether that player can be put on a return-to-play track. CONTACT MOTUS SPECS Four Balance Exams Twenty Seconds (eyes closed) Balance Exams [Feet Together, Feet Tandem, Single Leg (Right), Single Leg (Left)] Six Cervical Mobility Exams Max Range of Motion of the cervical spine is gathered: Extension, Flexion, Lateral Flexion (Right), Lateral Flexion (Left), Rotation (Right), Rotation (Left) Objective Assessment Say goodbye to visual based subjective assessments — use machine intelligence to map biomechanics measures to readiness Detect Readiness Balance and Motor Control Assessments combined into data-driven on-field exam to detect concussions Gather Baselines Conduct and store baselines for athletes useful in optimizing concussion detection determining return-to-competition Easily Administered Exams designed to be easily administered by certified athletic trainers